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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive


E Safety - Safeguarding our Children


In today's fast moving technological era, parents and carers cannot afford to stand back and let children 'just get on with it'. Our fear of not knowing anything about 'tweeting', 'social networking' (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc) only adds to the increased risk of this important learning and socialising source being abused.

Our children are techno natives, they have grown up in a world of the Internet, computer games, mobile telephones and tablets to name but a few. Some adults are techno novices and therefore need to be made aware of the safety issues surrounding these areas. 


At Sutton-on-Trent Primary School all children have a weekly Computing skills lesson with Miss Fendley and often use the internet for their learning. The children are taught how to stay safe on line as part of these lessons. 

Additionally, we will run additional sessions, often using external experts when required. 


Below are some useful links and documents for parents, carers and pupils to learn more about how to stay safe online.

If you have any questions about this information, or about internet safety in general, please contact us and we will do all we can to help you. 
