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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive, Dedicated


Jenny Hutchinson

Governor Category: Head teacher

Appointed by: By virtue of office

Current term of office: 1/1/2021 - 

Register of business interest: none

 I am privileged to hold the role of head teacher at Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery school, joining the school in January 2021.


I have been a teacher for more than 25 years and have taught children from nursery to year 6. I am  motivated by the power of education to change children’s lives and am dedicated to providing opportunities to develop all pupils, both academically and personally, ensuring that unique personalities, talents and interest are nurtured and developed in full.


I am also the proud mum of 3 teenage boys. They have helped me to value the importance of embracing life’s diverse opportunities. Between them they have strengths in sports, musical theatre and engineering and I cherish the richness of our family time together. 


I have previously served on the governing body for a federation of 3 small primary schools in Lincolnshire, and the last school at which I was employed, so have a good understanding of the important role governors have in both supporting and challenging the school to be the best it can be. 


When I am not busy in school I love to read, walk with friends, support Middlesbrough Football club and enjoy musical theatre. I am an avid collector of children's picture books and love sharing stories with the children in school. 
