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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive


Anna Curtis

Anna Curtis

Local Authority Governor 

Current term of office:  5 Oct 2023 to 4 Oct 2027 

First appointed on 12 Feb 2019

Register of business interest: none


I joined the governing body in 2019, in the hope that I could give back to the community that I grew up in. It’s important to me that all children are able to thrive in the school environment and are able to make the most of their experiences. The governing body can help to achieve this by supporting and challenging the school, and I am proud to be a part of it.

I have worked in a variety of finance and accounts roles over the past 15 years and hold AAT qualifications. I am the director of a Fintech company who focus on democratising access to financial products. I hope that I’m able to offer support to the school with the skills I’ve developed professionally. 




