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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive


Vision and Values


Our School Values

The children were instrumental in writing our school values.

At Sutton on Trent School:

  • we care about each other and our community
  • we welcome everyone
  • we work together to overcome challenge
  • we are not afraid to make mistakes
  • we have a positive attitude
  • we are aspirational and follow our dreams
  • we always do our best and become better learners


From these values, we identified five key attributes that we aim to develop in both pupils and staff. 

These are :

  • We are inclusive
  • We are supportive
  • We are resilient
  • We are aspirational 
  • We are positive

Growth in these areas is enabled throughout our curriculum and all that we do as a school community. 

Creating opportunities for the children to develop our core values. 

Our year 5 and 6 pupils complete a three day residential. The trip provide plenty of opportunities for them to show a positive, supportive and inclusive attitude as they work together and support each other. They set aspirational targets in the challenges and have to show huge amounts of resilience to tackle new and difficult skills


Some quotes from our children:


  • My friends were supportive because I was really scared on the climbing wall but they cheered me on and I reached the top!
  • I was aspirational at the vertical challenge because I was determined to get to the top. 
  • I had to be resilient at the fire lighting because it took ages to get a good spark...but I did it!
  • We were inclusive in the bedrooms to make sure no one was left out.
  • I was supportive because some people were out of their comfort zones and feeling more challenged than I was so I was able to be a supportive friend. 
  • I was positive because I smiled for 3 whole days!
  • Aspiration is wanting to have a go at new things, even if you don't know how good you will be. You don't have to be the best, just do your best.
  • Feeling proud of yourself is a really positive feeling. 
  • I was resilient because I faced my fear of heights on the abseiling challenge. 
  • We were being inclusive by encouraging everyone, not just our usual friends. Some of the challenges we had to work together and I learned that we could have fun with lots of different people.
  • I was supportive at the climbing wall by shouting 'You can do this' when people were finding it it difficult.
  • I was positive at the canoeing because when I was scared I just told myself that I had a life jacket so I could just float until someone rescued me!
  • I think everyone was aspirational because I didn't see anyone saying they didn't want to try - everyone just did the best they could and even if it was only half way to the top, everyone still cheered them on. 


The children gave some examples of other things that help us develop our core values


  • The buddy bench in the playground helps us to be inclusive
  • We had a visit to see an author and that was inspirational - now I want to be an author!
  • We had a visit from a Paralympian and an Olympian. The inspired us to have big aspirations. It also showed us about inclusivity because anyone can do sport even if they have a disability. 
  • Our school uniform is inclusive. We all have green to look like a team but you can choose exactly which clothes you want so you can still be yourself. 
  • Sometimes  our learning is hard, especially in maths but we learn that it is good to make a mistake so you can learn and that gives us resilience to keep trying.
  • I think the teachers are a good example of a positive attitude. 
  • We are aspirational to get an award in Shining Time assembly on Friday. It helps us do our best.
  • Our talk partners in Sapphire class are inclusive because we all learn to work with lots of different children. 
  • We need resilience in wild learning because sometimes we are trying things we have never done before. 
  • Our school is inclusive for disabilities because we have ramps and lots of space if someone needs to have a wheelchair. 