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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive, Dedicated


Vision and Values


Our vision is to give every child an excellent education, making a positive impact on their lives and allowing them to reach their full potential.


We aim to provide a rich, stimulating and enjoyable learning environment by:

  • Holding forward thinking leaders to account
  • Offering excellent teaching and learning opportunities
  • Delivering a broad, diverse and focused curriculum
  • Challenging our pupils 
  • Working collaboratively with parents and other schools
  • Being the school that everyone wants to come to
  • Living our school values
  • Developing strong links with the local community


Our School Values


The children were instrumental in writing our school values.


At Sutton School we:

  • care about each other and our community
  • work together to overcome challenges
  • recognise the power of a smile
  • always do our best and become better learners
  • are aspirational and follow our dreams
  • have a positive attitude
  • are not afraid to make mistakes
  • welcome everyone

Displays created by our children to reflect their ideas about our Sutton school values
