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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive



Our curriculum follows the national curriculum and is intended to deliver a thematic and stimulating approach to engage pupils in their learning and provide cross curricular links. These links enable pupils to make connections between areas of the curriculum, helping them to learn, remember and understand more fully.


The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the whole child through a clearly planned framework for all subjects. 

Enrichment activities ensure that children have new experiences to support learning and provide context for children to develop understanding.

Learning in most subjects is arranged on a 2 year cycle to meet the needs of all learners in our mixed age classes.


Our aim is to develop confident, motivated and independent learners, guided by the whole school community to be the best they can be. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in their child's learning through home learning opportunities, themed days, volunteering opportunities and regular opportunities for children to share their school based learning with their families.


We have selected the following areas as key development areas for our pupils; threading them through the curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities available in our school.

We are proud to be using the No Outsiders Programme to support our work exploring equality and diversity with the children. In line with our school value "We welcome everyone" we intend to broaden the children's understanding of the diverse and exciting world in which they live in order to support them to embrace the opportunities of living and working in 21st Century Britain. The focus of the programme is around noticing, celebrating and developing resilience around diversity. Through discussion and activities based upon the picture books, pupils are encouraged to show respect and develop their understanding of diversity.


Class teachers will deliver the programme throughout the year using developmentally appropriate picture books.

All school staff will promote and recognise the No Outsiders ethos as part of the school day.

Assemblies will support and explore related topics and promote the inclusive ethos.


We strive to ensure that our pupils are surrounded by a consistent message:

  • There are no outsiders here

  • Everyone is different

  • We like being different

  • We are all equal in our difference

  • I can get along with you even if we are different

  • We live in the U.K., our British values support this and the law says this too

Our school values support the development of the whole child.

They are:

  • We welcome everyone
  • We care about each other and our community
  • We work together to overcome challenge
  • We always do our best and become better learners
  • We are aspirational and follow our dreams
  • We have a positive attitude
  • We are not afraid to make mistakes

Whilst being focused on high academic standards in the core subjects, we are also committed to all pupils in our school accessing a broad and balanced curriculum. Our curriculum includes: 

  • English - Phonics, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
  • Maths
  • Science 
  • Computing
  • Humanities - History, Geography and Religious Education
  • Arts - Art and design, Design and Technology and Music
  • Physical Education, including swimming in Key Stage 2
  • PSHE, including relationships, sex and health education (RSHE)
  • Modern Foreign Languages - an introduction to French

We recognise the power of reading and use high quality texts in all classes linked to our topics. These texts inspire a love of reading and provide a hook for topic based learning. 



