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Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery School

Inclusive, Aspirational, Positive, Resilient, Supportive, Dedicated


Survey results

Please see below a summary of the recent parent and pupil survey on the remote learning provision for Sutton-on-Trent Primary and Nursery school. Survey completed in Feb 2021.


Pupil Survey – 34 pupils responded


Our responses

74 % pupils are enjoying the work they are doing at home.

Teachers will continue to work hard to vary the type of learning activities offered to you whilst you are learning at home. 

100% pupils enjoy seeing their teaching at Live teaching and feedback sessions.

The teachers enjoy this too!

91% pupils have been able to see friends during live sessions.


68% pupils feel able to keep up with the amount of work that is being set by their teacher.

This is a concern to us. Please make sure you contact your teacher via Teams, or your parents message them on Dojo if the amount of work set is not manageable so we can make changes. 

97% pupils know how to get help if they need it. 

We are glad you know how to get help if you need it. 

94% pupils feel the remote learning is covering lots of different curriculum areas. 


100% pupil feel they know how to stay safe online


82% pupils think they are still making progress with their learning.

Please make sure you let your teachers know if there is anything else we can do to make sure you keep learning.


Parent Survey – 41 parents responded

100% children are able to access the remote learning provided by school

We have been delighted with the engagement of the pupils with the remote learning provision. 

100% children are able to access the live teaching and feedback sessions

Teams has been a great addition to our remote learning provision during this lockdown.

We have taken note of the comments from parents asking for additional Live sessions. 

100% children have been able to return work to school via Teams or Dojo.


83% parents say their children are coping well with remote learning.

Please contact your child’s teacher directly if you feel there is anything more we can do to support those who are coping less well with remote learning. 

78% parents feel their children are receiving the right amount of work.

Although 2 parents commented that their child was not receiving enough work, there were more responses to say that children were struggling to keep up with the expectations. Staff are reflecting on this as they plan for the new term.

85% parents feel their children are continuing to make progress with their learning. 


95% parents feel supported by the school


97% parents are happy their child knows how to stay safe on line. 




A summary of your comments (these have been fully shared with staff)


  • We are overwhelmed with your kind messages of thanks and support to the staff. We have all had to adjust very quickly to this new way of teaching and learning and it is lovely to hear when we have got things right! It is especially good to hear about pupils feeling more settled, continuing to make progress with their learning and enjoying the teaching sessions with the class teacher and their friends. 
  • Many of you are valuing the live sessions via Teams, with 2 parents and 2 pupils asking for more live sessions. 
  • 2 parents requested more work for their pupils, whilst 5 commented that they were struggling to keep up with the expectations. 
  • Phone calls have not been routinely made to all families this lockdown, as the teachers are in contact with the pupils via Teams. However, teachers are happy to call parents where necessary. Please contact them on Dojo to arrange this. 
  • Some of you are really valuing the break from routines and screen time offered by ‘no screen ‘Wednesdays. As a school, we value all types of learning and will continue to use this strategy to vary our remote learning provision. 
  • Pupils are enjoying some of the more practical learning, in art and science. We have taken on board comments about the difficulties in finding resources to support these activities with little notice. 